Through the last few months of 2011 I had the opportunity to document mixed-media artist David Ball creating his next body of work titled "Harum Scarum". In order to fully understand David's process we collaborated on a series of trailer with the aim of exploring David's work at a more elemental level. I chose to focus on the individual parts that make up his complex compositions and then gradually increased the scope of the exploration in proceeding trailers.
The first teaser — "Detritus" is an examination of the what's left behind by the collage process and presents the fascinating negative spaces that remain.
The second — "Illusion" The second teaser focuses on how David chooses to see his raw material. Through process, what once was an image in a magazine becomes reinterpreted and given new meaning on his canvases.
In the third teaser — "Perception" disparate elements meticulously mined from magazines are constructed into assemblages and presented to the subconscious for interpretation.
The fourth — "Translation" presents David in his own words, describing his process of seeing and the way the subconscious of both artist and viewer interprets and translates the work before them.
Production Credits:
Artwork & Assemblages — David Ball
Photography & Editing — Shaun Roberts
Music Credits:
"Pangloss" by Chauncey Canfield
"Cedarleaf (Reprise)" by Rho
"Heliograph" by Chris Zabriskie
"CGI Snake" by Chris Zabriskie